Send Studies Directly to Another Site While Conforming to DICOM Security Standards and HIPAA

“Using Vertex’s SDS feature, we send studies directly and securely to our physicians’ Apple computers.”


IT Manager

Avoid the cost and hassle of setting up and maintaining VPN connections with partner organizations and providers.


Simply and securely send and track DICOM studies and reports directly from one site to another – with Vertex SDS. Utilizing DICOM TLS, you avoid the setup, and cost associated with traditional VPN or Cloud providers.

Securely Send DICOM Studies

Simply send DICOM studies and reports directly from your site to a partner – securely through Vertex SDS.

Receive DICOM Studies

Vertex conforms to DICOM PS 3.15-2011 Annex B standard so it can also receive from other conforming products.  

Always Encrypted

The data is encrypted in transit utilizing Transport Layer Security (TLS) and adheres to FIPS 140-2.

No Cloud Storage

Vertex SDS sends directly to another facility avoiding any third-party cloud environment. SDS is a direct secure DICOM connection – absolutely no cloud storage.

Great for Referring Physicians

Avoid the cost of setting up and maintaining VPNs. They can also send to and receive from multiple sites with one set up.

Fast Delivery

Reduce the delays in communication of time sensitive medical information. No more waiting for a CD/DVD to be delivered.

Use SDS with Other Send to Destinations

Along with SDS, facilities can still send to a CD burner, USB, cloud provider and any other export to destination.

Flexible Workflow

Use Vertex’s automated processing or its drag-and-drop user interface to share with patients and providers.

Enterprise Data Sharing Option

Add Vertex Scan to collate, package, and share DICOM studies, paper, film, office documents, visible light images, and other digital content.